Solutions to “Just KNIME It!” Challenge 25 - Season 3

:sun_with_face: Happy Wednesday, folks! A new Just KNIME It! challenge just came out. :boom:

:us: The US presidential elections are quickly approaching, and this week we’ll focus on some historical data on the topic to gather insights about how Americans from different US states vote.

Here is the challenge. Let’s use this thread to post our solutions to it, which should be uploaded to your public KNIME Hub spaces with tag JKISeason3-25 .

:sos: Need help with tags? To add tag JKISeason3-25 to your workflow, go to the description panel in KNIME Analytics Platform, click the pencil to edit it, and you will see the option for adding tags right there. :blush: Let us know if you have any problems!


Here’s my solution. Nothing fancy; just Choropleth maps. Vote counts and % of total votes for Democrats, Republicans and grouped third parties. In Minnesota changed “Democrat-Farmer-Labor” to Democrat.


Hello everyone,
I uploaded my solution here

This has three maps which has pie charts on each state area. These maps were depicted by Generic ECharts View node.

This mapping view was our team’s preferred method at this year’s Game of nodes!!


Hi all,
Here is my solution.

I focused my analysis on two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans.
I used a Map Chart and Table View to visualize which states were more likely to vote for each party.
An interactive filter was implemented on the Map Chart.



I updated my workflow and fixed the bug related to coloring the map chart.


Hi all,
Here is my solution. Selecting the election year allows you to view a table summarizing the total votes for each candidate and states they won, as well as a map and bar chart displaying the distribution of support in each state.

Looking at the election results below, it appears that in 2016, the momentum of minor parties was stronger than other years.


My solution to the challenge:

The American voting system is much more complicated than winners of a state, but for the sake of simplicity (and for the sake of the simplicity of the visualization) I wrote the state wins out.

I have used the OSM Boundary map to create the necessary states, but LA was in every form created as Los Angeles, not Luisiana so I had to change that manually. :smiley:


Hi all,
Here is my solution.

I have created a component that allows you to easily create Pie Charts on GEO MAP (USA) and published it in my public space on the KNIME Community Hub. I will also create a world map version.


very nice solution to coloring the states by winning Party color

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Here’s my solution:

Also used the eCharts map with the Pie charts on it (noticed that the component I published a while back with World Map View did not include the JSON :see_no_evil: - so will have to fix that.

Link to WF:


My submission to challenge -

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Hello, here is my solution for this challenge.

I did a variable component view with selectable year, state and party.


:sun_with_face: Happy Tuesday, folks! :sun_with_face:

:us: Today is the Election Day in the US, and we just published a solution to our very on-theme Just KNIME It! challenge from last week.

:pushpin: We explored our Geospatial Analytics extension and different data apps techniques to create an interactive dashboard that allows you to see how the two main parties in the US performed in different states in the three most recent elections – before today’s!

:pizza: See you tomorrow for a very delicious (I guess!!!) challenge on… weird pizza toppings!


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