Solutions to "Just KNIME It!" Challenge 29 - Season 3

:sun_with_face: Hi, folks! We hope everybody enjoyed our little break – whether Thanksgiving food was involved or not! :joy: We’re back with a fresh Just KNIME It! challenge today!

:christmas_tree:Christmas is coming, and many of those who celebrate it are still searching for gifts for their loved ones. :gift: This week, let’s use our challenge to build a data app that allows people to find and visualize nearby Christmas markets.

Here is the challenge. Let’s use this thread to post our solutions to it, which should be uploaded to your public KNIME Hub spaces with tag JKISeason3-29 .

:sos: Need help with tags? To add tag JKISeason3-29 to your workflow, go to the description panel in KNIME Analytics Platform, click the pencil to edit it, and you will see the option for adding tags right there. :blush: Let us know if you have any problems!


Here’s my solution. Produces a map with all markets and a map with markets within a chosen distance from a “home” location. The home location is coded by lat/lon and the address reverse geocoded. I don’t know Berlin addresses well enough to input them directly although that would be preferable. The maps have hover information on market name, address and in the first map distance from home. Added street routes using OSRM (8 PM EST 12/6/24 USA.)


Hi all,
Here is my solution.

The starting point is Berlin Hauptbahnhof.
The colors of the circles were set according to the distance from the Hauptbahnhof.


Added a route to the closest Market



here is my solution to this nice challenge.
It was the first time I used geocoding api.
I colored the market location according to distance to the given address.


My solution to the challange:

I used the geocoding node, the OSMR Distance Matrix node, and the geospatial nodes fog geo reasons.

My approach was to visualize the points on map, define which is the closest point and highlight it with some other color. You can input the place (on the world) and it will output which point is the closest. The default value is the Berlin office of KNIME :slight_smile:

I used the Translator node for translate everything in the Bemerkungen (Comments) column, but I had to modify it for my purposes as it filtered out the rows where there was no comment, so I had to unlink it.

It was a remarkably interesting challenge, I learned a lot about, how to use these Geo nodes. :slight_smile:


Find herewith my submission with experiments on Geospatial nodes.Current location derived via nominatum . Distances calculated through OSRM for shortest path among 2 locations.


Hi all, here is my solution, after a long break since Challenge 6 :sweat_smile:


Hi all,
Here is my solution.


Hi all,

here’s my solution.

Nothing fancy - just showing bubbles of all market locations and their distance on mouse-over. Selected location in different color:


Very cool addition to the solution!

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Added a pretty icon from the JKI! website :joy:


:sun_with_face: A new Tuesday, a new solution to a Just KNIME It! challenge! :sun_with_face:

:christmas_tree: To celebrate the holidary season, we played with the geospatial extension and created a data app to search for Christmas markets that are close to a given address.

:heart_eyes: We loved to see the festive dashboards you all came up with! More features, custom banners… Super cool!

:wave: We hope to see you tomorrow for our last challenge of the season!! :dancer: Let’s close it down in style with a hard challenge that aims at improving customer service!


My late solution :face_with_peeking_eye: