Some problems about developing my own node


I developed a node.I exported its code and put it on git.
Others download the code from git and export it to jar, but it can’t be used in knime.
What will cause such a problem?Modify the name of the project?


Hi @YoGa,
can you provide us with a link to your code? Then I can take a look and might be able to tell you what is going wrong. Have you thought about creating an update site for your plug-in? That is usually the best way to distribute it.


Hi Gabriel,

I will give you a zip file include two nodes’ codes.
1.parametersInput is used to input some parameters.
2.submitToSpark is used to use the first node’s input to submit a job to spark server.
the submitToSpark node can not be used in just be modified the name of the project.
I have no idea what is going on.

YoGa (1.1 MB)

Hi @YoGa,
thanks for the zip file, I took a look at your code and have some questions for you:

  1. There is no need to create one project per node, you can put all your nodes into one project.
  2. To distribute your project, you need to create update and feature projects, you can either copy them from a different project, e.g. from Github (KNIME · GitHub) or if you are more comfortable with maven, you can use the GitHub - 3D-e-Chem/tycho-knime-node-archetype: Maven archetype for Knime node extension

I am not 100% sure what you mean with that, is it not supposed to work? Also why do want to modify the name of the project?

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Hi Gabriel,
Thanks for your reply.
1.The node named submitToSpark can not work in knime.I am not sure if something is missing.
2.The reason for modifying the name is to make all project names uniform.

Thanks for your help again


I was able to get it running by removing the dependency on (in the Dependencies tab of the plugin.xml editor), then it was shown to me in KNIME. I did not test it any further though.

  1. I recommend you to put all the node source code into one project, then name your project something like org.knowlegene.lyj.XXX.
