Is there a way to sort a Condition column in the Boxplot node? I have boxplots of distributions of a metric for categories that are identified as letters of the alphabet. When the boxplots are displayed, the horizontal axis shows the categorical variable values in a seemingly random order. I would like to sort them alphabetically along that horizontal axis.
I haven’t tested this, but see if it helps. BTW - which Boxplot node are you using?
I spent a little time testing a few things. See if this helps. I have no explanation why the box plot nodes work like they do although the sorting problem seems pretty long standing.
Box Plot Test.knwf (155.5 KB)
Did the workflow I posted help?
Thanks for the reply, but it’s not exactly what I was looking for. Here is the situation:
Boxplot sorting problem.knwf (104.7 KB)
Try this:
Boxplot sorting problem Javascript.knwf (124.0 KB)
I adapted it from:
I’ve not been able to edit the axis titles. For a reason that’s beyond me, the Javascript throws an error when I edit the titles.
I appreciate the effort but the java script does not quite do it. No worries, I’ll just use a python script.
I agree; the Javascript isn’t great. Try this. New echarts node. You can remove the Column Resorter node.
Boxplot sorting problem echarts.knwf (80.7 KB)
Did the echarts node work for you?