Title: Error Creating Spark Context (Livy): Execution Failed
Dear KNIME users,
I’m currently encountering an error while attempting to create a Spark context (Livy) in KNIME Analytics Platform. The specific error message is as follows:
ERROR Create Spark Context (Livy) 3:20:100 Execute failed: Failed to upload Kryo version detector job: Bad Request: {“msg”:“requirement failed: Local path /home/umnia/.livy-sessions/e6d67172-1626-4061-8012-5b66cf9ec816/livy-kryo-version-detector.jar cannot be added to user sessions.”} (LivyHttpException)
I’ve tried resolving this issue by checking file permissions and examining configuration settings, but so far, I haven’t been successful in resolving it.
If anyone has encountered this issue before or has any suggestions on how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer.
Console output:
Log file is located at: /home/umnia/knime_5.2.0.linux.gtk.x86_64/knime_5.2.0/knime-workspace/.metadata/knime/knime.log
ERROR Simple Preprocessing 2:12 Unable to load node with ID suffix 6 into workflow, skipping it: null
ERROR Extended NER Preprocessing 2:13 Unable to load node with ID suffix 8 into workflow, skipping it: null
ERROR Extended NER Preprocessing 2:13 Unable to load node with ID suffix 9 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2
ERROR Extended NER Preprocessing 2:13 Unable to load node with ID suffix 10 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2
ERROR Extended NER Preprocessing 2:13 Unable to load node with ID suffix 11 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.BuildInStopwordListFactory
WARN Local File System Connector 3:20:98 Connection no longer available. Please re-execute the node.
WARN Create Spark Context (Livy) 3:20:100 Execute failed: Failed to upload Kryo version detector job: Bad Request: {“msg”:“requirement failed: Local path /home/umnia/.livy-sessions/b26db3d0-30b3-4b1d-9408-79cc3d5abcbf/livy-kryo-version-detector.jar cannot be added to user sessions.”} (LivyHttpException)
WARN FontStore Using the system default font for annotations: Font {140600322321136}
WARN Local File System Connector 4:20:98 Connection no longer available. Please re-execute the node.
WARN Create Spark Context (Livy) 4:20:100 Execute failed: Failed to upload Kryo version detector job: Bad Request: {“msg”:“requirement failed: Local path /home/umnia/.livy-sessions/b26db3d0-30b3-4b1d-9408-79cc3d5abcbf/livy-kryo-version-detector.jar cannot be added to user sessions.”} (LivyHttpException)
ERROR Create Spark Context (Livy) 3:20:100 Execute failed: Failed to upload Kryo version detector job: Bad Request: {“msg”:“requirement failed: Local path /home/umnia/.livy-sessions/e6d67172-1626-4061-8012-5b66cf9ec816/livy-kryo-version-detector.jar cannot be added to user sessions.”} (LivyHttpException)
Thank you in advance for your help.