specific groupby

Dear community users,

I am trying to find a way to group by my columns with a specific formula but I coudn't do it. Basically, I would like to go from a table like this: 

3 x1 3 a
4 x2 3 b
5 x3 3 c
6 x4 3 d
7 x5 4 e
8 x6 4 f
9 x7 4 g
10 x8 4 h
11 x... 4 i
12   4 j
13   4 k
14   5 l
15   5 m
16   5 n

to a table like this:

3 x1 mean(x1/a;x1/b;x1/c;x1/d)
4 x2 mean(x2/e;x2/f;x2/g;x2/h;x2/i;x2/j;x2/k)
5 x3 mean(x3/l;x3/m;x1/n)
6 x4 .......

Thank you for your help,


You can use:
- math formula node for each row = x1/a and so on
- group by node: groups: 3;4;5 and aggregation: mean (math formula result)

Is this the solution you were looking for?




The problem is that the 2nd column has less rows than the 4th column. - math formula node for each row = x1/a and so on would give me col2/col4 and I will not have x1/b, x1/c ,x1/d,...

I hope  I was clear enough.

Thank you for your help,



The problem is that the 2nd column has less rows than the 4th column. - math formula node for each row = x1/a and so on would give me col2/col4 and I will not have x1/b, x1/c ,x1/d,...

I hope  I was clear enough.

Thank you for your help,


I attached the solution (numerical input).
Please verify if the result  is correct.

3 x1 mean(x1/a;x1/b;x1/c;x1/d)
4 x2 mean(x2/e;x2/f;x2/g;x2/h;x2/i;x2/j;x2/k)



Thank you Robert, it works wery well,

Best regards,