Specify JobID when embeding job in iframe

I am looking at starting a job via REST API call from C# code. Then once the job has been created, can it be embeded into an iframe?

Hi Willem,

You’d likely run into CORS issues trying to dynamically create and embed an iframe manually. You can embed the Data App as an iframe using the embedded apps framework with the KNIME Server.

Wali Khan

Hi Wali,

The issue is not CORS, I know about that but it is not an issue as all is in the same domain. The issue we have is the limitation of KNIME where you cannot have a shared component in the workflow and have the option on KNIME Server set to check and update shared components, and HUB has the same issue, only thing is you can set specific deployment to not check shared components.
So I was experimenting with the idea if I could start the job via API, thus get the shared component validation done at that stage and then embed the specific job into an iFrame. But I am having issues to specify the job when embedding the workflow into an iframe. I once was able to start a workflow via an iframe and then later specify that job id as to load the job into the iframe, but I cannot find the code where I did it and cannot remember what the iframe src url was to specify the job.

Hi Willem

Sorry for a delayed reply from me, but thanks for clarifying. I’ll have to double check this internally.

Wali Khan

Hi Wali,

Just keeping this post alive by asking for any update on this post.

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