SSH node and underflow sessions

Hello everyone,

I have an issue about one of my workflow.

The objective is to read an XML file from an URL, transform some data and write a CSV at the end, on a server from one of our customers.

And my issue is about uploading the file on their server.

I’ve tried first with the new SSH connector, but I wasn’t able to see the files, even if the connexion was successful.
I’ve tried to use the SSH connector (legacy), and with this node, I was to able to see the files.
But now, I can’t upload the file and the message is this one :
"CSV Writer 3:1462 - ERROR: Execute failed: Underflow: requested=8, available=4

In the node advanced configuration, I’ve updated the number of sessions from 8 to 4 but I still have the message.
Is there anyone who could help me on this ?


I think I’ve ran into this once before, and if I remember correctly it was due to a very old SFTP server. You might want to check the protocols this SFTP server is using, as it might not be something you could handle form the client (KNIME in this case)


Hello @wkhan ,

Thank you for your help, even though I dreaded the answer.
I’ll check with our customer if they can handle that point with their partner.