Stdev in population

Hi all, may i ask if there is a way to calculate stdev in population instead of stdev in sample?
I saw a similar discussion in 2021 and I wonder if the node is being created?

The reason is my dataset is not a sample, therefore need the stdev.p.
thank you!

Hello @li_l_chen,

Welcome to the community!

I took a look at the thread and found the ticket he is referring to. I have added a +1 to it for visibility and looped in this thread.

It is Ticket AP-17916

So there are 2 ways I would approach it. The first if it were me is I would just intake your dataset to a python script node and use the statistics module to calculate it as it is the most straightforward way.
You can use:
to calculate the population std.

The second would be to use the math formula node, but I think that is more complex.

Here is more info in the docs on the statistics library:

Hope this helps,


Thank you for sharing the workaround.
I’ll try it with Python as you suggested! However, it will be very helpful if we can have it in the node such as ‘group by’ so that Stdev in population can come as handy as stdev in sample.
Thank you so much for finding the ticket and your help on the topic!

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