Still configuration window issue on high dpi

I really love KNIME, but there’s one thing that drives me crazy and I don’t understand why it’s still such an issue in 2024. It’s about the display of KNIME on high-resolution monitors. I’ve already opened a topic about this. The solution there to add -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.0 to knime.ini solved the problem of scrolling in the configuration windows for me, but the font is now very small (you can see it on the screenshot in comparison to the OK-button).

Is there no other solution? Simply a responsive solution that adapts to the respective circumstances.

I also use KNIME in my lectures at university and when I connect my laptop to the projector, the display is always crap because the high DPI settings for my external monitor affect the output to the projector. Yes, I know it’s about the content and the functionality of the program, but it’s still embarrassing to tell the students how great KNIME is, and then there are the poorly resolved/displayed configuration windows with the old design.
It may well be that I am just being too stupid, but then I would be grateful for help ;-).

PS: By the way, it would be a dream if the configuration windows were displayed directly in the workbench, then you could simply click through the nodes and see the settings directly.

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Hey @Christian_Essen,

thanks for the feedback. We looked into the hdpi problem, but it seems that there is an eclipse issue that currently prevents us from scaling the dialogs correct to counter the hdpi mode. We will further investigate, but we didn’t find a solution so far.

Your dreams might be not too far away. With AP 5.4 (just released) we added an experimental mode to embed the modern dialogs into the workflow editor.You can switch the modes in the preferences.


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To clarify Daniel’s point a bit: “Eclipse issue” means that this is a “bug” in the underlying technology to we use(d) for legacy dialogs.

Avoiding such issues and obtaining a more robust technological footing – for which we will also have a realistic capability to actually address and fix issues such as this – is one of the motivations why we are moving towards the “Modern UI” and modern dialogs.

I haven’t tried it, but a workaround for your situation per se might be to experiment with the resolution settings of laptop and projector. Setting the laptop to the same resolution/scale as the projector (or doing “duplicate displays”) might help.
