String replace to replace part of string with dictionary or any other list

Hi collegues,

Now I am trying to replace part of string with dictionary.
Actually, I have a stoplist to remove some words(200~300 words)
but, Stoplist or String replacer can’t replace or remove the part of string
Stoplist: “AA”

in this case Stoplist or String replacer can’t replace or remove 'AA"

is there any other way to solve this problem?

Any ideas ? Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot,


It is because AA in your case is not a word but a part of a word. RegEx within String Manipulation should help - you could loop over your stoplist…


Thank you Geo
but is there any comport node?
but I will try this way!

My guess is that a loop start -> str manip -> loop end is the “simplest” you can do for this task.

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