String Splitter (Regex): Mutliline Extraction does not work


chances are I made a mistake but cannot spot it. Hence, as everything looks plausible to me and was double confirmed in an editor, I raise it as a bug.

Despite the RegEx matching and the node being setup to extract either a list or multiple rows, it only ever gets the first result.


Data (Arabic Language)
Source: Assistance Needed: Extracting Specific Highlighted Text from Arabic PDF Files

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  Ε΍ίϳϣΗϣϠϟ�ϑϼϳϻ΍�Δϳϭϧ Ύ Λ     : Δ˰˰˰˰˰˰γέΩϣϟ΍
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2024/2023 ϝϭϷ΍ έϭΩϟ
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![Screenshot 2024-08-01 081811|690x414](upload://lxMVmPPFMAI0NjCesZHFELehY6e.png)


@mwiegand have you checked for possible double quotes needed?

The PDF has none. Though, I believe the issues cause might be rooted in the character processing as something isn’t rendered properly.

I am working on a sample workflow right now to confirm my suspicion.

@mwiegand no the regex code in knime often needs double escaping the \d has to be \\d …

Got you. But that would mean that the tested RegEx wouldn’t extract anything et all but it does. I just tested that idea and double escaping is not doing the trick. The node description only mentions double escaping if the literal character should be used like here:


Here is a test workflow that produced even more strange results

The test data from the Arabic PDF only ever extracted the first while the second example only extracted the last match “8”.