String to Date Time


I am trying to change some data in a CSV file from a string to a date or date time.
When I use the String to Date&Time node, I am having some issues. Here’s what that node looks like.

When I try to hit the Guess data type and format, it tells me there is no suitable format found.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi there,
I think we can text edit the “Date format” value above to “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss” and click on apply, rather than clicking the Guess (since the required format is not in available list). Hope that helps!

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Hi there! Yes, I’ve edited my own formats for this, but I am getting a parsing error.

Problems in 80557 rows. First error: Could not parse date in cell [Row0, column “START_DATE”, row 1]: Text ‘28/06/2024 00:00:00’ could not be parsed at index 0.

RowID | … | ORGANIZATION | START_DATE | DEPT_LINE ----------------------------------------------------------- Row0 | … | PRD:MOX | 28/06/2024 … | 12101 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Could not parse date in cell [Row0, column “START_DATE”, row 1]: Text ‘28/06/2024 00:00:00’ could not be parsed at index 0.

Potential resolutions:

  • Change the date and time pattern to match all provided strings.

Hello @Jwideman,

You can use the date format “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss”.

It’s working.

For your reference, I have attached an image of the configuration settings and output.



Also one fix would be trying to restart Knime as I realized its processor usually generates Lags after being opened for a while as I faced a similar issue not too long ago

Thank you for your answer! I am trying to get MM/dd/yyyy format. I have confirmed with the end user that the time stamp is not needed. Are you able to get that format to work? I appriecate your help!

Hello @Jwideman,

To achieve the format ‘MM/dd/yyyy’, you can utilize the ‘Date&Time to String’ node.
You can find node ifrom following link:


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Hi @tqAkshay95, Even if the date is coming in as a string? In my initial post is how the data is coming into the workflow.


First, you will convert the string to date and time, and then use the date and time to string node to achieve this result.


@Jwideman ,

if you have got the solution, please mark it with a green tick.

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