Suggestion: Long file/path name warning (WinOS)

Windows has an issue with too long file / path names when copying/moving such files. While there are some tools and even changes in latest Win10 updates where this is (less) of an issue it still can be quite a pain when handling in this case certain Knime workflows.
This has happened to us while having to (manually) backup (long story) others’ workflows. These WFs had long names to begin with, containing multiple metanodes within metanodes (within … etc).
The simplest and fastest way, if anyone else has this issue is to zip/rar/7z the whole folder structures. (and no, exporting from within Knime as archive is not an option in our case), even with unziping at the destination this is faster for large WFs (containing lots of stored data).

Therefore it would help if Knime could issue at least a warning under WinOS that the max file/path name is going to be exceeded if one continues.


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Hi there!

You mean while creating or renaming workflow?

If I may ask why this is not an option?


Upon creating workflow is what I had in mind. Though renaming would have the same issue, so, both, I guess?

Exporting from within Knime is done as well, but we have the scenario of semi-automized backup of multiple workflows (in varying sizes due to amount of saved data) from other users.


ok. I will check it and get back to you. Not sure how tricky would be to implement this…


Hi there!

Just an info on this one that for the time being there will be no further actions on this matter.

Tnx for engagement.


Ok, thanks for looking into this, appreciate it.

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