Table Difference Checker


I'm testing the node Table Difference Checker.

I have 1 string column and 1 row with 03336. If i put the output to both the input of the Table Difference Checker i can see the green light. Now i have another branch of the workflow with 1 string column and 1 row with 03336. If i run the Table Difference Checker i see:

ERROR Table Difference Checker Execute failed: Unequal number of possible values in column 'Column1'

The two columns have the same name and the two rows have the same rowkey.

If i trim the columns (removeChars with stringManipulation) and execute the Table Difference Checker i can see the green light.

If i use the java snippet, without the trim, and print the length of these columns i see 5 for both input tables

If i use the java snippet, without the trim, concatenate a letter to the end of the value of the column and execute the Table Difference Checker i can see the green light.

If i write the tables to a csv file i don't see spaces.


I think you are using a Row Filter before the test node. It does not update the domain values, you have to use Domain Calculator to remove the filtered out values from the possible values (from its domain). That way you will probably have green bar. :-)

Cheers, gabor

It works thanks