Hi I am using KNIME 5.3 in the modern UI with some simple metanodes. When I right click on the metanode and select Connected output → table KNIME returns the workflow variables. The table is correctly displayed in the bottom window pane. The tables display correctly in the classic user interface. The workflow has quite a few components with private information which I am unable to share and so I am afraid I can’t share the workflow to this thread.
Hello @PaulTwineUKHC,
I am having trouble understanding the issue you are running into.
Is the problem that your metanode is expected to return a table of data rather than just variables?
If you can use dummy data instead and post that that would be helpful (also a clarification on issue you are running into so we can better help)
Or simply, if you are not comfortable with that, a image of the workflow (showing none of the tables or results) so we can see what nodes you are using.