Table Reader Node

Hello KNIME Community!

I would like to know how we can store a *.csv file in table format (proprietary_knime_format).

I have followed the instructions depicted in the however after dragging and dropping the file from my local computer into the CSV Reader Node I got an unexpected result, please check the image I have attached so you can validate the root cause issue.

I would like to know how to store a CSV file in a table format.

I will appreciate your kind support.

You should be reading from the local file system, not a custom/KNIME url.

One you’ve read the csv file you can use the Table Writer node to write the data table in KNIME’s internal format to a file.


Fantastic @elsamuel, thank you soooo much for your kind and prompt assistance with this.

Let me recapitulate the action applied after testing the solution provided:

  1. Use the CSV_Reader Node in order to read a *.CSV file.
  2. Link a Table_Writer Node to the prior aforementioned Node (Check the screenshot attached <Image_01>)
  3. Once executed both nodes, now we are able to drag and drop into the canvas the Table_Reader Node and define parameters as <Image_02> reflects:

Thank you!

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