Table to pdf


I use the 'Table to PDF' node to generate pictures of molecules.

The standard size of the molecules is nice, however the pictures have

a very bad resolution. To improve the figures, I have to scale up the images, but then they don't match into the defined space.

Do you know about some preprocessing steps to gain a document in a quality, that allows to submit it e.g. in the supporting information.


Do you consider to improve the functionality of the 'Table to PDF' node?






If you change the configuration with the Table to PDF node, you can get a satisfactory increase in resolution.

For example, make these alterations;

Select "Create Images with Selected Size"

"Image Width 300, Image Height 150".

Image Scaling Paint to Size.


Does this work for you.



Additional options you can make are in the KNIME Preferences menu.

In the preferences, choose KNIME, Preferred Renderers, and Chemistry. Ensure Marvin is selected for the default Renderer.

Now in the preferences, choose KNIME, Marvin, Marvin Renderer Preferences. There are various options here you can tweak to improve the molecule images.

I hope this also assists in getting the desired PDF output.
