Table to R not connecting to R snippet

I have a CSV Reader node, then Table to R, but this node fails to connect to R Snippet. I am using a standard dataset - German Credit Risk ( and wanted to replace missing values using predictive mean matching (by pasting R code for that). How do I fix this?

NB: I have already set up the R server, which is running.

Hi @pmasuka2024

That’s not possible by design. Table to R has as output type R Workspace while R Snippet has table as input so the two cannot be linked. Have a look at these two pages where plenty of example workflows are posted which outline how both are being used.

No expert in R but based on your description I’d say R Snippet would be your choice.


@pmasuka2024 you might want to check this article and the examples to see how to work with knime and R. There are two integrations that require different approaches.

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