I´m having a issue with the “Send To Tableau” node.
The node itself doesn´t show any errors when finishes it´s execution, it shows the “green light”.
The problem is: When its execution is done, and I go to the database on Tableau Online, it´s there, but it´s empty.
I´d had exported to a .hyper file direct on my local machine, then I imported that .hyper file in Tableau, and Tableau had read it successfully.
But thanks for tip badger101, I´ll try it, and I´ll post here the result.
Thanks for the attention @badger101 .
But the best solution for this problem, and keep some automation on the process, is generating the .hyper file in the local machine, and then use the “tabcmd” (Tableau Command Line Utility) to send it to Tableau OnLine.
I hope hear some news about the “Send to Tableau Server” node issue.