Hi Knime team, I just update Knime to 4.2.0 version, I’m trying to use the node “Send to Tableau Server” and Knime prompt “ERROR Tableau Writer” with Execute failed: invalid UTF-8 sequence (hex ‘4E6F6D6272652043616D7061F161’), but in the old node (BTW appears like a deprecated node) all works correctly.
ERROR Send to Tableau Server 0:2301 Execute failed: Bad Request: There was a problem publishing the file ‘19070:02AFC77BDC0044F3B1B8F3B974939791-0:0’. (Error code: 400011).
Причем, при одних и тех же настройках иногда отправляет без ошибок, иногда с ошибками.
Бывает, что Tableau не понимает кириллицу. Мне приходилось переименовывать заголовки. В целом, проблема сохраняется.
Заметил, что данные могут быть загружены почти на 99% и на 1% - выдается ошибка.
Если попросите выгрузку, то не смогу предоставить - конфиденциальная информация.
Tableau Server - Tableau Server Version: 10.5.12 (10500.19.0122.2242) 64-bit Windows
KNIME 4.2.0
5 минут назад отчет выгрузился как ни в чем не бывало…
Проблему сложно обнаружить… Ощущение, что дело в Tableau. Как иногда есть проблемы с публикацией дашбордов. Без причины выдает ошибку и не публикует. Через какое-то время работает…
If you are receiving the error “Bad Request: There was a problem publishing the file ‘19070:02AFC77BDC0044F3B1B8F3B974939791-0:0’. (Error code: 400011)” This is from Tableau’s API, which would indicate that the error is not with Knime but with Tableau not excepting the characters you are attempting to publish your workbook with. Please reach out to Tableau to see what characters they may not except in their publishing API.
Let me open up a ticket with our Dev team to investigate the “Execute failed: invalid UTF-8 sequence” as if it worked with the old node fine, then it doesn’t seem to be an issue with Tableau’s side unless they changed something with their API.
As far as the 400011 error, Tableau’s API is not giving us any more details besides this which is very hard to troubleshoot, and especially without any type of logs. If anyone is able to reproduce the error and attach a set of logs, we can attempt to deal with that issue as well.
@DjAndrw87, can you provide information about the table you want to send to Tableau? The error suggests a problem with the encoding of strings in your data. It would help a lot if you could provide some dummy data to reproduce the issue.
The old nodes are not deprecated but we encourage the usage of the newer nodes because they are easier to set-up and use the new “Tableau Hyper API”. You can find information about how to use the old nodes in our documentation: https://docs.knime.com/2020-07/tableau_integration_user_guide/index.html#legacy
@jtao6, do you get the error from the original post or do you get the 400011? Can you provide information about how you got the error?
As the 400011 is not related to the original post I would suggest keeping it out of this thread to keep the thread tidy. As the 400011 is a very general error by Tableau we probably need to handle it case by case. If you have a 400011 and think that it is a KNIME error, please open a separate thread and describe thoroughly what you did to get the error.
Encountered this error, and it appears it was related to a column name that was too long for Tableau. Removed the long-named column and the Tableau node executed successfully.