While using Tableau Hyper Writer node, encountered following error -
ERROR Tableau Writer (Hyper) 0:15 Execute failed: Unable to initialize Tableau backend ‘Tableau Hyper’, please follow the installation instructions in the node description. Error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library ‘/Library/Frameworks/TableauHyperExtract.framework/TableauHyperExtract’: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/TableauHyperExtract.framework/TableauHyperExtract, 9): image not found
If you’re running 4.1.3 and you’re writing hyper files I’d recommend you to install the tableau hyper api integration. This will become the default with 4.2 and is easier to setup
Yes, I am on 4.1.3, both the files -
were present in “Source Folder” - /Applications/KNIME 4.1.0.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/org.knime.ext.tableau.hyper.bin.macosx.x86_64_2018.2.2.v201908121602/extractapi-2018-3-0/Frameworks
Had to copy to “Target Folder” -
% pwd
% ls
OSXFUSE.framework TableauCommon.framework
PluginManager.framework TableauHyperExtract.framework
Python.framework iTunesLibrary.framework
So, i guess, they are packaged with KNIME ? Just have to udpate KNIME -> Preference and Copy the files.