i am having a bit of a pickle here is there a node where i can put the numbers from this string in their own column ?
thank you very much
i am having a bit of a pickle here is there a node where i can put the numbers from this string in their own column ?
Hi @Bleck, am you confirm do you mean numbers that can be found in empty_a such as 128, 157, 228 or do you mean turn the numbers in column valor_c… into a column of numbers…
And in either case, would you want missing numbers to be shown as missing or as, for example, zero?
@Bleck and @takbb What about the 5 in the “F5”?
What would the rule be then? Numbers on their own, that is numbers between space or new line?
I guess you need string manipulation with regex
hello every one i was able to remove it like this
i used this in the sting manipulation
substr($empty_A$, indexOf($empty_A$, “Acumulador:” ) + 12 ,3 )
the i had to take the Spaces and - from the numbers
still want to see if i can find a better way to do it, but untill then hope this helps any one who might need
hello @Bleck
@ipazin just shared a solution to a similar request in another post…
this should be work for you as well:
.*[: ](\d+).*
.*[Acumulador: ](\d{3}).*
only {3} first numbers
@bruno29a i’ve just tested the “F” issue
Hi @gonhaddock , thanks, but the F5 was not exactly an “issue”, more of a clarification if indeed the 5 from the F5 should also be extracted or not.
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