Template Flow Mutiple Branch

I Need help to do the below scenario.

  1. Read from File Folder

  2. Terminate if no files found

  3. Loop through the files read

  4. Read an excel file and route to the respective processing steps by validating the template. None of the templates are matching with the configured ones, move the excels to Error Folder

  5. Perform sanity checks (Mandatory Check, Data Type check, Length Check)

  6. Generate Batch GUID and associate it to all rows of the excel

  7. Generate Row GUID and associate to a row. Each row in the excel should have unique GUID to identify the row uniquely

  8. Generate excel with records that have passed sanity checks, by following the naming convention

  9. Generate excel with records that have failed with sanity checks, by following the naming convention

  10. Go back to 2a and continue with next excel. When no further excels are available to process further terminate

Hello @AvnImpln,

Is there a specific step you need help on? Do you have a workflow you are currently working on following these steps? (If you do it will be helpful for you to post it)

For a high level suggestion it can look something like this below to give you a general idea of how to approach it.

Hope this helps,


As an aside, for the “guid generation”, you can either grab a component such as this from @sjporter, off the hub:

or you can use the following “hack” in String Manipulation to generate one:


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