Template for new Workflows

Dear KNIMErs,

when I start a new workflow I find myself often repeating the same tasks. Because I have to move my workflows from one to another computer, I have gotten used to make folders for input and output files, so I can reference to them with the knime://-address and some other adjustments. I wondered if there is a way to automate this and thought if there is a template workflow that is copied into my workspace when I start a new workflow and that might be adjusted to fit my needs. Can anybody help me on this?


Hi @abockstiegel and welcome to the KNIME forum,

You can build Components to reuse them in your other workflows.


Thank you @armingrudd for your hint. Though I really appreciate the new Component concept, I think it wouldn’t helpt to get rid of the task of doing the same things with every workflow. Am I missing something in your answer that would help me automating the adjustments to every new workflow?

Ah, you want to change some configurations. What adjustment do you want to make? You can use flow variables to configure your nodes. And use some flow variable inputs at the beginning of the workflow to assign your desired values.


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Hi there @abockstiegel,

I see what you are thinking. What I do is I create a template workflow and then use simply copy paste it (within KNIME Explorer View) whenever I need it. In there I have data folder and output folder together with some dummy data. workflow contains configurations, annotations and nodes I want. And works pretty well. All I have to take care of is not to overwrite template…

Could this work for you?

BTW welcome to KNIME Community!



I have also thought (particularly when writing test workflows for community or internal builds!) that have the option to have one or more workflow templates would be really useful whereby for example you could have certain nodes / annotations etc already saved. It would also require a ‘New workflow from template’ option and some way of storing locally or on knimeserver (or both) them and demarkating them as templates rather than fully functional workflows.



Thank you for your help @ipazin. This is a solution that will really help me.

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So, if I understand you right, this tends to be a feature request, as doing so is not possible right now, right?

I believe so. The nearest you can get to it is to either Export the workflow you want to use as a template to a .knwf file, and then when you want to use it again import it and rename it, or keep a folder of templates in your workspace and copy/paste one when you want to use it to a new location and rename it.

As an alternative, if there are specific file paths you are regularly referring to then you can also set those to appear globally as workflow variables as described at:



Hi there!

@abockstiegel glad it helped!

@s.roughley tnx for jumping in with your valuable ideas!

Anyways there is something planned and have forwarded your request/ideas so stay tuned!


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