Testflow runner and .knwf workflows


the current version of the testflow runner does obviously not execute .knwf workflows. Would be nice to have this fixed, as I've just discovered this issue accidentally.

-- Philipp

Can you clarify where/how you found this or what you would expect? Is that the UI action (context menu -> run as testflow). Just checked back with the team and the test flow runner only runs on workflows that you have imported into the workspace.

Sorry for being too vague. I run the testflows through command line using the param: -root ./testflows:

-noSplash -consoleLog -application org.knime.testing.NGTestflowRunner -root ./testflows -xmlResultDir ${project.build.directory}/testflow-reports -views -logMessages -loadSaveLoad -data ${project.build.directory}/workspace

The testflow runner currently picks up and runs .zip files and directories which resemble workflows from the ./testflows path , but no .knwf files.

PS: Technically speaking, I feel that, org.knime.testing.core.ng.TestflowCollector.ZIP_FILTER shoud be extended to also accept .knwf files.

Any news on that? I am interested in doing the same. If that problem still exists, I don’t even have to start.

Last time I checked, it was still there. This was I while ago and I’ve since lost interest.

Thanks a lot for the update, although I hoped for another answer :wink:

This should mean that you can simply rename the .knwf workflows to .zip, doesn’t it? knwf is basically just a zipped workflow.
Kind regards

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Yes. But why doesn’t it accept .knwf? It’s the file extension which KNIME itself propagates, innit?

Of course, that would be better! I just wanted to point out a way to make it work :slight_smile: