Text files parsing with knime

Hello KNIME comunity,

I’m struggling to achieve something simple with knime and need help.
I have thousands of text files ( .r file extension ) that i need to parse to extract data from.to populate a a database.

I have figured out how to setup a loop using file list variables, and how to read files using different nodes.

It’s the parsing and text manipulation that bugs me. Which nodes should I be using to achieve it.

The file’s structure is as follows :
Every file is hundred of thousands of lines long and every item in the text file has around 50 rows I need to extract and transform in database columns,

Each item in the files have the following rows with field name and data :

#input_id 1595372832x003_001176
#input_type ggsnPDPRecord
#output_type ggsnPDPRecord
#source_id INJGGSN
#filename GGSNPK5_20200720000113_56446
F recordType 19
F servedIMSI 546010100927694
B ggsnAddress
F iPBinV4Address CA57965A
F chargingID 3466766265
B sgsnAddress
F iPBinV4Address CA579681
F accessPointNameNI IM
F pdpType 0121
B servedPDPAddress
F iPBinV4Address 0ADA3760
F dynamicAddressFlag 255
B listOfTrafficVolumes
F qosNegotiated 0323931F9396789774810846
F dataVolumeGPRSUplink 221371
F dataVolumeGPRSDownlink 4899678
F changeCondition 2
F changeTime 2007192359442B1100
F recordOpeningTime 2007192358292B1100
F duration 75
F causeForRecClosing 16
F recordSequenceNumber 173
F apnSelectionMode 0
F servedMSISDN 19687515603
F chargingCharacteristics 0400
F chChSelectionMode 0
F sgsnPLMNIdentifier 45F610
F servedIMEISV 3579521061955701
F rATType 1
F mSTimeZone 4400
F userLocationInformation 0145F610000A7B4B
F localSequenceNumber 832259057

Thank you for your help

A post was merged into an existing topic: Text files parsing with knime
