Text mining

Hello everyone

I have an excel sheet that has customers’ comments. I need to label each comment as compliments, technical problem, suggestion, comment on the service, etc.

How can I do that in Knime?

Thanks for your help

@o_hujran welcome to the KNIME forum. There are several nodes and techniques you can use. For a start I had a list compiled about text mining links and article you might want to check - although there should be much more on the hub and in the KNIME blogs

In your case there might be several approaches. You might have pre-defined labels (you know the categories for existing data) or you might want to automatically detect topics and see if they match your expectations. Might have to see if I find examples for that.

Also you might want to check out the book from KNIME press:

Also there is an upcoming course you might be interested in

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