Text View not exported in HTML / PDF


whilst a Text View Node is displayed in the interactive view, it is not part of the report and thus not exported in PDF nor HTML files.

Apologize in advance for the cluttered screenshot but it should illustrate the described issue. The phrase “High Level Overview” is not exported.


Hello @mwiegand ,
I was not able to reproduce this issue. Could you please let us know which version of KAP are you currently using? Also, if possible, could you please share a sample workflow that reproduces this issue?


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Hi @sanket_2012,

I was not able to reproduce it starting from scratch but the issue persist when using the existing report and data. The test workflow I created contains sensitive client data which I cannot share via the public hub and it’s too large for the private hub as well.

How can I share the download link with you?

Edit: I was able to reproduce it. As follows the test workflow. Placing the text view node in a sub-component (level 2), as done in the “Working” example, is working.

However, upon placing the text view node on a higher level, despite the node being part of the interactive view, causes it to not getting exported.

I believe the Report Concatenate node is not factoring in the Text View node but only the data which is actually connected to it. Hence, the Interactive view is kind if misleading due to the disjoint between the data and view.


Thank you @mwiegand. I will check it and inform you internally.

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Hi @mwiegand,

your “faulty” component, in which the Text View is living next to the other two components, must in turn also “Enable Reporting” via the Layout Editor. Otherwise the view is not “collected”.

Another more general point about the usage of the reporting ports:

If you enable reporting, the Component will have Report ports “on the outside” but no corresponding ports on the inside (basically “asymmetrical” ports).
If you hover over the ports in ModernUI, the second port you added to the component is called “Inport 2” in your example, but if you enable reporting on that component, it will get another blue port with a name of “Report”. This is the “asymmetrical” special Report port:

  • The input Report port passes the component any existing report content (like the Report Template Creator or another report-enabled component).
  • The output Report port attaches anything defined in its Layout Editor to the input Report.

So, you usually either enable reporting on the Component, then you get the “asymmetrical” Report ports, or you pass through the Report as an input/output port pair (“symmetrical” ports). You do the former if you want to collect views (view nodes or a components’ view) in this component, and you do the latter if you want to further process the report, e.g.

  • conditionally include report “fragments”
  • iteratively build report “fragments”
  • add page breaks, for example by just “chaining” report-enabled components and “divide” them via the Report Page Break node.

I edited the first component like in the screenshot, so you can have a look:
78241 - Text View not exported in HTML nor PDF report.knwf (1000.0 KB)

Thank’s for taking the time and including a sample workflow, this really helped to diagnose the problem quickly :slight_smile:

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Hi @hotzm,

thanks for your feedback. I figured that out too but the hard way :sweat_smile: because the virtual reporting ports lead me to a false perception. In another post the asymmetry as you describe it, was explained but that is a function which from my perspective requires some tweaks since the use has little control over it.

Anyways, thanks aa lot for your support!
