The cell appears to be empty, but a filter does not recognize it as either an empty or missing value

The cell appears to be empty, but a filter does not recognize it as either an empty or missing value.

Hi @Istvn_Fazekas , Welcome to the KNIME forum.

Can you add a little more information to make it easier for people to assist, please.

Which filter node are you using?
What data type is the column containing the cell?
What does your data actually look like?
What does you config look like?

and anything else you can add.

Posting a sample demo workflow containing sample data that demonstrates the problem is always most likely to get you to a solution faster. thanks


I usually start by checking to see if it is just a single space character, then copying and pasting the contents of the offending cell into a hidden character viewer like this…


Hi @Istvn_Fazekas ,

what do you see in the output of the String Format Manager – KNIME Community Hub , if you check the “Show line break and carriage return as symbols” and “Show other non-printable characters as symbols” settings?


Thank you for the helpful comments. In the meantime, I managed to solve the problem based on the descriptions I read on the Hub. I traced back to where the “it looks like the cell is empty” phenomenon was appearing. The input text (.txt and .pdf) already contained double spaces, which were then passed on by the process. The String Cleaner node helped (Remove duplicate whitspace).

I have been using the KNIME framework for a relatively long time. But I mostly use it only to solve emerging challenges, not continuously. The problem arose during a report creation, where I had to create a summary (report) from several - mainly text - input files. I would like to insert the appropriate values ​​​​based on the keywords into a table in the target document (.docx). I have reached a state (output) that provides appropriate content for manual creation of the report, but I cannot implement full automation.
Since the community is so helpful, I will describe the essence of the project in a few words:
input files (.txt/udf, .pdf) → reading files → extracting file content (text) → splitting content into lines to make it searchable → searching in the file lines based on keywords ->…
Here I am now.
All my files are divided into lines (one line: expression + value) in one column. The column headers are the file names (‘something’ and ‘something ()’ ). I need to solve this so that I can transfer adjacent columns () in pairs to a separate table. So in the end I will have a number of separate tables equal to half the number of columns in the original table. The problem is how to extract the columns in pairs into separate tables. The situation is complicated by the fact that the number of input files varies. Thus, in the state before splitting into Tables, the number of columns also varies (but is always even).

Is there an experienced KNIME user who has experience or ideas on how to automatically generate tables (standalone, separately manageable tables) with one of the nodes, even with a loop solution? My solution currently has quite a few limitations in terms of flexibly tracking changes in input data (files).

Hi @Istvn_Fazekas , welcome to the KNIME forum.

Are all these questions related, or different topics? I’m having difficulty following the thread. If they’re different we’ll get them split out into separate threads with their own titles, because otherwise it can get really confusing. And is there any reason for it having the “bug” tag, as I cannot see anything in what you’ve written that suggests a bug.

Generally it’s easier for people to help you if you can upload some sample data and ideally a sample workflow that demonstrates what you have done/are trying to do, so people can more easily understand and assist. :wink:

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These belong to the same topic. I put it in the “bug” topic because of a problem experienced in this workflow (empty cells that have no visible value, but cannot be deleted with the ‘delete empty row/column’ node, or the ‘value’ cannot be converted to the missing value in them). At the moment, the topic is really not about a bug.