The Winner of KNIME Game of Nodes - Let's celebrate!

:crossed_swords: And the #Winners of the #KNIME #GameOfNodes live from the #KNIMESpringSummit 2024 in Austin, TX is… :crossed_swords:

:star::star: TEAM AST - Ryushi Seo, Takanobu Araki and Toshiyuki Ohfusa :star::star:

Our warmest congratulations! :heart_eyes: :clap::tada: The #GoldenNode will be on your way soon! :sunglasses:

Congratulations also to the opposing team, Team FI-Reunited, for the great performance and journey throughout this competition! :clap: :tada:

:pushpin: #ResultsGame of Nodes

Happy #KNIMEing y’all! :blush:
