Hello all,
We are currently using a modified time node with the attached pictured data, but not getting intended results.
We want only the date to be extracted from this data, not the entire time stamp. As we try to configure, we see no selectable columns.
Can anyone share strategies used in this type of case?
Hi @Blake_Watkins,
I see 2 solutions for it:
1- using the node “Date&Time to string”, where you can modify the format from timestamp to a date only or as you need:
2- use “string manipulation” node to remove after the space between date and time, staying with the date only. I use regular expression:
regexReplace(fild_date," .*","")
Both will convert date to strng. If necessary, you can convert it to date again using string to date
Here, you can see that you can convert and format the date and time if necessary too.
I hope that can help you!
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