we create various Applications for the KNIME server making use of the Components Interactive Views, Widgets, Refresh Buttons, Re-execution Options. We now realized that some of the components show an unexpected behaviour:
The settings of some widgets get affected when a widget with re-execution option is triggered, even though these nodes are not directly connected (or upstream of the respective re-executed Widget).
This behaviour is only observed on the server. On the local KNIME AP the component functionality is as expected.
I actually found the same behaviour mentioned in another KNIME forum post: Refresh button changing upstream calculations?
This behaviour really reduces the usability of the created applications. The workstation, the KNIME server and Executor are located on is quite fast.
I wonder if there is an update on this. Would be really great if there is a fix!
KNIME Server: 4.16.3
KNIME Executor: 4.7.2