Try-Catch Block for Google Sheets Updater Node

Hi, Knime 4.7.7 user here. I was trying to find a solution to enclose the Google Sheets Updater Node within a Try-Catch combined with a recursive loop as shown in the tutorial workflow (Error Handling with Try-Catch – KNIME Community Hub). However, the Google Sheets Updater node does not have data output nodes and I am unable to apply this example to my use case.

Essentially I want the google sheets updater node to run infinitely (or for a fixed number of times) if I get a connection timeout error. How do I accomplish this?

@nallich you can use the node with the variable ports

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Thanks for the response. However, I am clueless about how to implement this solution. My problem statement: The google sheets updater node fails due to a connect timeout error. I want the try catch node to loop infinitely till the data is written to the google sheet. How do I do this? Screenshot attached
Screenshot 2024-10-15 181232

Tried this approach as well, it is not working. How can the workflow be reconfigured to address this specific use case?
Screenshot 2024-10-15 182959

@nallich maybe you take a look at this example. Using the recursive loop up to 200 times until a success has been reported:


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