The problem is that I have no column to identify so I would like to transform my “excelV1” data into “excelV2” in order to clearly identify the 2 columns.
Once the table is transpose, to get the information out of the RowID, a solution is to use the -RowID- node which has an option to create a new column (here the name would be “nationality”) with the content of the RowID column.
After that, if you need to resort the columns, please use the -Column Resorter- node and finally, the -Column Filter- node if you need to filter any column before saving the results in your Excel file.
Thank you very much with all these manipulations it finally works.
Finally in addition to this problem is that my column “players” was tpe string instead of number .
Glad it worked and no worries at all, we are all more or less beginners
Maybe you would like to remove the “sum()” string from the “Nationality” column. For that, there is an option in the -GroupBy- node which allows to keep original names for aggregated columns: