Twitter Search Node Issue

Hi Guys,

I wanted to try out Knime’s Twitter nodes and I followed the instructions listed here.

[Twitter API Connector – KNIME Hub]

I am able to get the Twitter API connector to work, but when I’m trying to execute the Twitter Search I get the following error message:

“Execute failed: 403:The request is understood, but it has been refused. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits. You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal.”

Does anyone have any suggestions how I could get this to work or faced the similar problem?



Found the solution, I applied for the Elevated access and now the Twitter Search node is able to pull tweets.


Thanks for posting your solution!

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