Unable to Download Example Workflows


I am trying to download example workflows from publicserver.knime.org (specifically the community image processing example).  I am able to connect to the server and list the available workflows, but I receive the Download Error: "Unable to download workflow: Workflow not opened for download"


Is there a solution to this problem or is there an alternative way to obtain the example workflows?

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Should work now.


 - Peter.


I am encountering similar problems in downloading examples.  The error message is slightly different, though.  I get the following error:


Unable to download workflow: Unable to get downstream for workflow /010_Reporting/010006_UseKNIMEColorsInReporting. Reason: ejb ref resolution error for remote business...


Is there a solution to this problem?



Hi All,


I re-started KNIME and the problem went away.




I'm just trying to download all the examples to have them locally, and there is this page:


There's a link on the bottom: 


But when I click on that link, I get an error:

Not Found

The requested URL /analytics-platform/publicserver/publicserver_workflows.zip was not found on this server.

See http://tech.knime.org/forum/knime-general/missing-examples-server-zip-file