Unable to install Knime AI extensions

Hi fellow Knime users,
I am unable to install the Knime AI extensions in KAP 5.1 .
I am working behind a office proxy but, have updated the environment variables, network settings as well as .condarc file.

However, I am continuously getting the below error, as made available in create_env err file -

critical libmamba copy: The system cannot find the path specified.: “C:\Users\Nilotpal.Choudhury\knime_5.1.vnl\knime_5.1.0\bundling\root\pkgs\onnxruntime-1.15.1-py311h07a6a1a_1\Lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\tools\ort_format_model\ort_flatbuffers_py\fbs_pycache_\DeprecatedKernelCreateInfos.cpython-311.pyc”, “C:\Users\Nilotpal.Choudhury\knime_5.1.vnl\knime_5.1.0\plugins\org.knime.python.llm.channel.bin.win32.x86_64_5.1.0.202307191422\env\Lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\tools\ort_format_model\ort_flatbuffers_py\fbs_pycache_\DeprecatedKernelCreateInfos.cpython-311.pyc”

Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated.



Hi @nilotpalc,

thanks for reporting: could you please try whether enabling long paths in Windows help?

Best regards

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Hi Steffen,
Thanks for helping out.
Unfortunately, I am on an office laptop with no admin privileges and hence, am unable to change the registry key settings. I am working on a portable version. Let me try to reduce the subfolder structure to re-install the same.
I believe that should solve the problem as one of the field paths does not across the 260 mark.

Any possible solution in the KNIME setup to avoid such issues for users of the portable KAP?



Hi @nilotpalc,

I am not aware of any solution.
The issue here is that Windows does not allow for longer paths, thus either the Windows registry needs to be changed to allow for longer paths.
Or the paths become shorter. But then, how do we put the time stamp into the file name without shortening it? :slight_smile: I think the most feasible options are to either put the portable KAP closer to the root level (e.g. C:) or rename parts in the folder structure.

If you have additional thoughts, I’d be very happy to discuss them! After all, we included in the install wizard an option with “Enabling long paths” and I am pretty sure that we aimed for a more elegant solution first :slight_smile:

Best regards


I have used @steffen_KNIME approach of moving the install folder closer to the C: in the past and it solved the issue for KNIME installs and other similar software issues. If you are working off a ZiP install then it should be as easy as copying and pasting the folder to test it. I will be making this Registry edit to avoid issue in the future. Thanks!


Hi Steffen,
Thanks for the feedback. I have raised a request with my corporate team to help install the KNIME platform through msi installer (requiring admin privileges) for a smoother experience.

I also made a few changes to the directory address while working on my portable KAP to resolve the issue in the short-term. @iCFO aligned with your feedback but, I am hoping approval for admin install should resolve the matter on a more permanent basis.

Thank you both for the feedback.



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