Unable to Open Example Workflow

I'm trying to open the 

that is found in the white papers section.  However, when I go to unzip the file so that I can import it, I get error messages that it can't be opened.  I've tried various programs to extract and none of them are able to do it.  Is this workflow found in the example set within the Knime?

Hi UtilityHawk,

Thank you for reporting this. In the meantime you can find the example workflow directly on the WebPortal at the following path: knime://EXAMPLES/50_Applications/07_Forum_Analysis_of_the_KNIME_Forum/03_Applying_Text_and_Network_Analysis_Techniques_to_Forums

Hope that helps,



Thanks, that allowed me to load the workflow although I still can't run it.  First node says that there is 'No entry data.bin in file'.  The link is http://www.knime.org/files/flows/forum_data_analysis/forum_data_20130913.table   

Maybe this file can't be read now.

Hi UtilityHawk,

Yep, sorry. That's because we changed our website recently, so we need to change the path filled in the Table Reader. I will update you as soon as we upload the new version in the EXAMPLES Server.

Thank you,

