Unable to open example workflows from Hub

Hi all

I’m unable to either open hub examples from explorer or drag-and-drop workflows from hub (I can download and import OK)

I used to be able to do this and I can’t pinpoint when this stopped working for me.

Don’t know if there is a link, but at some point java was uninstalled on my machine (my company did this, I wasn’t aware) I have now had it reinstalled.

The error message (as a pop-up) I receive is:

The entity is not backed by an input stream, entity class is : java.io.InputStream

I’ve tried suggestions in the following posts.



I wondered if it was linked to the fact that at home I’m working via a VPN…but today I’ve tried from my office and no joy.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Hi @zedleb

I’d guess this is related to Java. KNIME brings its own Java installation with it and maybe the reinstalled Java is now being used (but e.g. is a different version).
Could you try a fresh KNIME installation? I’d recommend the .zip file, as you can extract that anywhere (e.g. onto the Desktop) and don’t need Administrator rights.

Kind regards

Hi @marvin.kickuth
Thanks for the reply. I could build myself up to doing a fresh installation :slight_smile:
When things are a little quieter in the office I’ll give it a go!

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Hi @zedleb

no rush :slight_smile: but do let us know how it goes. If the same (or any) error occurs, could you maybe send over the log file in your knime workspace directory? Specifically <knime-workspace>/.metadata/.log.

Kind regards

Hi @marvin.kickuth

I’ve finally performed an new installation yesterday to upgrade to 4.4.1 but still having the same issue.

I can send my log file to support, can I have a reference ID for subject line please.

Many thanks

Hi @zedleb

You don’t need a specific subject line. You can simply link to this thread in your email body.

Kind regards

Hi @marvin.kickuth

Log sent :grinning:

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