Unpivot: Add option to output Column Type to restore that later


I use the Unpivot quite frequently but, when unpivoting different data types, are faced with the challenge to recreate the correct column type later on.

I’d like to propose to add an option which outputs the data value either to a second port with the corresponding column names. I will create a separate ticket how to make use of that data.


PS: That would be nice for the Extract Table Spec node as well



As far as I can see, this even happens when the columns subject to unpivot are of the same type, eg string. Perhaps it would be useful, like in other nodes, to have more user control over the type of the unpivoted column: auto guess, coerce to string, leave the type unchanged (yielding current behaviour), generate multiple ColumnValues columns, etc

In the older Unpivot node (prior to 5.x), the default behaviour was different by the way.

Kind regards


What you pointed out, only stirng columns still being converted to unspecified, seems like a incomplete integration.

I can think of a special column type “Mixed” which is acompanied by another one “Column Mixed Type” to auto-restore the type i.e. upon pivoting, sparing the auto-cast step.
