Hi everyone,
I’m trying to update KNIME to the latest version,
but I’m facing this issue as shown in the image.
The strange thing is that when I open the program, it shows version 5.4,
as seen in the image, but inside the program, the version is 5.3.3 as shown in the images.
I’ve tried running the program as administrator,
I’ve tried disabling the antivirus,
I’ve tried updating extensions one by one, but nothing new.
My internet is very fast, 4GB downloads in a few minutes.
I’ve tried downloading each package separately, but the result is the same, the same error keeps repeating.
The strange thing is that in the last attempts, it shows that the size of the files it wants to install is only 30MB.
I think the version has been downloaded and it’s trying to install it without downloading new files from the server.
Or maybe the file that’s causing the installation problem is only 30MB in size, but I don’t know what it is or how to find it.
Are there any suggestions? (Important: I don’t want to delete the current version and reinstall the new version.)
Have you tried installing the zip version of 5.4 separately from your existing 5.3.3 install? A completely clean install of a new version has worked for me.
I appreciate the response, but… I know I can install the new version, but there are dozens of workflows I’ve uploaded to the program, and a large number of workflows I keep open that I don’t want to have to search for again. Most importantly, I don’t want to have to redo the deep learning setup process.
Do you have any other solutions?"
Not sure i understand your first issue. Do you mean workflows or extensions? If the former, point your new installation to the existing workspace. If the lattter, new extensions are pretty painless to install. I’m not sure there is an alternative. I don’t think 5.3.3 can be “updated” to 5.4. The KNIME staff can weigh in on that.
Thanks for the tip. I got curious yesterday and checked my current install’s disk usage. Turns out it’s over 60GB!
I think doing a fresh install will be better, and I’ll follow your advice to keep my workflows intact.
Thanks again