I believed that my use case for KNIME was basic, but I am unable to find any useful forum content. I have a list in SharePoint and another incoming dataset that should update specific records on the list. However, I don’t see a way to target specific list items using the SharePoint List Writer node, even if I have the list item ID.
Is there a workaround for this if I want to update a field or fields in the list item using the ID? I figured out how to extract the necessary information, but I cannot find an out-of-the-box way to do this without overwriting the entire list, which is not an ideal solution.
Thank you for any suggestions.
I agree that everything points to the SharePoint Online List Writer node being designed to write a KNIME table to a SharePoint list. (That’s the first line of the documentation, after all.)
Is your objection to overwriting the entire list based on execution time or some other consideration? (To be clear, I’m not in a position to change the function of the node; I just want to understand better.)
Yes it is time mostly and the replacement of ID values in the list.
In Alteryx, there was a native way to identify a specific list item and update it out of the box with the connector tool.
This can be managed with some custom graph API coding was just looking for a way to not have to go down that path unless it was absolutely necessary.
Is there a way to use the SharePoint Online List Writer node to update only specific items in the list without overwriting the whole list? Or is using the Graph API the only option for this?
I think as of now you can only write entire lists and not update individual items using the built in nodes.
Ok, Thanks for this info.