Are there any sample workflows or videos where DYMATRIX Uplift Modeling nodes are utilized?
Hi there!
Sry for a late response. Currently there are no such materials so I have created an example workflow using all 3 nodes included in DYMATRIX Uplift Modeling extension. For more on Uplift Modeling and as a reference for workflow (data is taken from here) here is article that helped me:
If you will have any questions just ask and I will try to answer them
Workflow with data attached:
2019_01_14_DYMATRIX Uplift Modeling.knwf (1.6 MB)
Have a nice day,
Thank you. Very useful. Is there a way to move from the BINS to the final evaluation as the article points out?
Hi there!
Glad you find it useful. If you want to use Uplift Tree Evaluator node then don’t think so because he needs bins but will check how to get this values and get back to you.
Hi there!
It took a while to get back to this but here it is - IRR and NIR calculated. As you will notice there is place for model improvement
2019_01_14_DYMATRIX Uplift Modeling.knwf (3.0 MB)
If you will have any questions feel free to ask.
there iks no a method to calculate XIRR : Internal Rate of Return Calculations ?
Hi @rayenKH
I saw you posted this question in another thread. I’ll lock this older thread and respond in your other one to keep the forum tidy.