Upload Error when uploading WF to KNIME Community Hub

It’s now the second time that I have issues with uploading data to the hub.

I have authenticated as usual and after that right-click => upload the normal way.

Then the progress bar appears, is stuck for a moment at ~95% and then I get this nice little error card:


Log show 3 attempts, but now reason (at least from what I can tell) as to what is went wrong (or better what is causing the timeout).

Here is an excerpt of the logs
knimelogsuploadfailure.txt (7.6 KB)

Can’t seem to upload the exported version as it is 12MB… maybe size is causing the upload to fail?

In the data folder I included some images and other than that just .table files…

Any thoughts are much appreciated.

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Update: I tried again this morning and it worked fine now… Have not really done anything different so might still be worthwhile for someone to check the logs to potentially identify what the issue is. Will report back if I run into this behavior again.

And it happens again…

Log attached
loguploadfail.txt (12.1 KB)

Edit some more info on what I tried:

  • Reupload multiple times => Failed
  • Reupload after restarting KAP => failed
  • Reuploading after computer restart => failed
  • Exporting WF, switching to local workspace (other synched on OneDrive), then importing WF and uploading ==> WORKED

So for no I take that it has to do with OneDrive and will move everything I work on to local… will report back if I encounter issues despite being on local WS.

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Hi @MartinDDDD, did you manage to solve this problem?

Since moving my workspaces to a local drive that is not synced via OneDrive I have not had this issue again…