Using substring-after in XPath node

Dear all,
I have a quite basic question with xpath.
With this (very simplified file) xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


I look for a xpath expression to extract only the number after (PPN).
something like /dns:subfield[substring-after(text(),‘(PPN)’)] but i don’t know the exact syntax to do this kind of calculation.
Best regards,

Hi @JPollet , I’m assuming that you intended to upload some actual xml.

When uploading code fragments or xml, it’s best to highlight the text then press the “Pre-formatted text” button

as this then stops the forum software changing anything and then others can read it.

Perhaps you can add it again so that people can assist you.

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I found the solution which is simply and basic : substring-after(/dns:subfield,‘(PPN)’)).

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