Verion 5.3.2 doesn't read Excel file that version 5.2.5 reads

Hello KNIMErs,

I have an Excel file is being read in version 5.2.5 with no problems,

but I’m getting an error message while trying to read the same file with 5.3.2 version

I would prefer not to share the source Excel file publicly, but I can share it with somebody from @knime directly.

Any suggestions for potential root-cause?
Any volunteers to have a look at my Excel file?

Thank you in advance

@Kazimierz please open a ticket with the KNIME support team regarding this behavior and include an example workflow and excel file that exhibits the issue so we can investigate.

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Thank you @kpowney for instructing me.
The ticket #39663 has been submitted.

Thank you @kpowney for your support. KNIME Support Team has followed-up and provided workaround.

Since we are on the forum so for the interest of the general public, what’s the workaround? :wink:


@ArjenEX Please find description of the workaround. I’m not able to share that workflow as probably it refers to data shared privately as the file size exceeds limit for the forum.


The content of Table Creator is simple:

Java Snippet looks as follows:

Then, Excel Reader should use newly created variable.


Thanks for reporting! The internal ticket is AP-23371. Should not be long for the fix to hit the nightly and then the upcoming releases (5.3.3 and the next feature release).

Btw, you don’t have to use the Java Snippet node with a single row table. You can also use a Java Edit Variable, which has an optional input. Then, you can just put the number into the Java code.



Internal ticket ID: AP-23371
Fix version(s): 5.3.3, 5.4.0
Other related topic(s): -