[Vernalis] Configurable Switch: Support condition for missing values

Hi @Vernalis,

EDIT: Because a missing value, when converted to a variable, is converted to a string … I guess this idea was dead on arrival :sweat_smile:

I love the configurable switch nodes of yours. Question I’d have is why there seems no support for missing values when empty (NULL), a rather specific and less common scenario than missing, is supported?

Here is the test workflow:


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Interesting question. I suspect that that is because the old flow variables (String, int, double) didn’t support null/missing/NULL and so it didn’t occur to me to add it (if I had even realised at the time I first wrote the new version of these nodes that the new versions of the flow variables also supported nulls - not sure if I had realised back then or not!).

It shouldn’t be too difficult to add, I dont think because this was implemented in a way designed to be flexible. I will have a look into that early next week and see what I find…


Thanks Steve. I haven’t found anything about how missing flow variable values are handled but it also is a surprise to me that when a value is missing, it’s presumably converted to type string.

I wonder if maybe @ScottF can add some of his vast knowledge to shed some light on this edge case?

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I can’t remember the details. I do remember seeing it in the source code at some point, and have a recollection about backwards compatibility as they couldn’t previously be missing/null. I will investigate…

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