Web Interactions - command line arguments


Is it possible to find out how to use the command line arguments to change some configuration values?

Or post any example that works using parameters, and then maybe I can understand how the command line arguments are interpreted by the node.

I’ve reviewed without success

Main problem is the pdf files are opened instead of downloaded.

It works if I start the interaction, then i type on the chrome instance:
set the value
and then continue the process.

The json values can be displayed using:

The target configurations are:
plugins always_open_pdf_externally - change from false to true
savefile: default_directory

something like 🎛️ Command Line Options - SeleniumBase Docs


Hey @ricknime,

I can not say for sure but generally you can use CLI commands as you mentioned here. → Simply add your disired CLI in the “Addtional Arguments” parameter:

But setting prefs like plugins.always_open_pdf_externally: True are NOT CLI commands.

An example of how they are implemented for chrome with python:

prefs = {
    "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": True
chrome_options.add_experimental_option("prefs", prefs)

Therefore I think it is (unfortunately) not possible to set these preferences.

Kind regards :slight_smile:

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