Webinar: Enhancing Jupyter Notebook with Visual Workflows - November 26

“I like KNIME, you like Juypter, and that does not stop us from working together! I can call your code scripts and you can call my workflow.”

At this webinar:

  • on November 26 at 10 -11 AM (UTC + 1 Berlin) which is 6-7 PM (UTC+9 Tokyo)

Mahantash Pattadkal (Monty) and Paolo Tamagnini (@paolotamag) will show you how to display and run a KNIME workflow in Jupyter Notebook and how to display and run Jupyter Notebook in your KNIIME workflow.

They will walk you through the installation steps and also show live demos. Bring your questions for the Q&A session at the end!

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Here is a simple example to explore how to combine Python modules and Jupyter notebooks.